Writing Begins with a Vision!

Writing Begins with a Vision!

You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we’re doing it. – Neil Gaiman While taking my programs, many people have said that the...
Ready, Set, Write!

Ready, Set, Write!

As with undertaking any other project in life, being prepared and ready to create a routine, especially a writing routine, takes a bit of planning. Sure, you could hope that by just sitting down every day and writing, you’ll establish an enjoyable habit, but...

Scream, Yell, Smash… Release!

This photo was taken two years ago during a particularly stressful time while I was on bed rest and ordered to slow down for the sake of my unborn baby. At the time, I found it nearly impossible because while I could slow my body down, what about my mind? It almost...