A large part of the Warrior You Workshops that I lead is about learning to dig deep within yourself and believing that you have the strength to accomplish your goals, overcome your obstacles and live as your true self. For me, this was an uphill battle from childhood. Having had so many major obstacles, lack of love, pain, and hardships I had to relearn to love myself and I had to find that inner warrior. I can’t say it was an easy journey and it’s something that takes daily work and maintenance but I can look back and be proud of where I am today.
This picture was taken on my wedding day, a day that I truly never thought would happen. I wasn’t upset or stressed out about it, but I just never saw myself married or living with another person, which was ok by me. I had worked so long and so hard to find self-love, to understand who I was and to heal the parts of me that were hurt that I made the conscious decision that I would be happy and content starting a family on my own surrounded by nature and animals.
When I met my wife I found myself once again re-evaluating my outlooks and beliefs because she took everything that I had learned and flipped it upside down. The complete opposite of me in many ways, she pushed my limits, taught me new lessons and I developed new strengths and an understanding of myself that I never even realized was there. I was forced to once again dig deep and let go of who I was struggling to be and instead allow myself to naturally transition into a safe, new place filled with change. Sure, I was great on my own and I was confident that I would be fine, but there were aspects of life that I was missing out on and didn’t even know existed because I hadn’t yet experienced them. Looking back it’s interesting to see just how life really is a journey, and how you never realize where you may end up. Just when you think you have everything all figured out, Bam! You turn a corner and something new is right on the horizon to test your limits and push your boundaries.
It’s natural to push back, to fear the change and to try to control it, but like me, you’ll see that if you simply let go and let yourself journey through the waves, you’ll end up learning new lessons and exploring parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed.
It’s been a few months since I said ‘I do’ and I’m happy to report that nothing within our relationship has changed much but I can feel myself being pulled towards many developments coming in the future. A new place to live, new additions, new explorations… Each prospective adventure does cause anxiety within me because it’s change, and let’s face it most humans fight against it. I make myself stop, take a breath and remember the greatness that has come from transition and remember that my inner warrior is stronger than anything I could come up against.