During these crazy pandemic days, current lockdown and state of emergency here in Ontario, it’s no wonder we are all feeling a bit stressed. Whether you are at home working, helping your kids with online education or just simply at home, the days may appear long, a bit boring and feeling like this might never end.

Keeping our minds busy can be challenging, but it is a great way to stay positive. Starting your day with a “to-do” list or a purpose can be the boost you need to get up, get dressed and be productive.

But what happens when you don’t have a list, are having a hard time to get motivated and would prefer to succumb to the couch and a new netflix series? Every day then rolls into the next, which can lead down a gloomy path.

One simple way to get out of this is to move your body. Our bodies were designed to move, not sit all day. Sitting is actually labelled as the new smoking. Not helping us at all! But if you begin your day with movement you are getting started on the right foot! By moving your circulation improves, you are using your joints and muscles and you are stimulating your brain.

Yes, you heard me correctly. Exercise in any form helps stimulate good brain endorphins. Those good brain endorphins help you feel better! So yes, movement is good for the body. And yes, imagine what it will do for your brain! Start walking, dancing, doing squats, push-ups. Anything that makes you feel good!

If you need some support and guidance in exercise reach out to a professional. Many like myself are offering virtual workouts, so not only are you moving, you are moving correctly to keep your body and your brain healthy and strong!

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